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Everything posted by Tiesto

  1. Tiesto

    Nh1 Vs. Nh900

    THE THREE AMIGOS!!!... the best choise
  2. Check this out: http://www.ecat.sony.co.jp/audio/walkman/c...&ST=1&VC=1&PG=1 http://www.yodobashi.com/enjoy/more/produc...5/11634234.html
  3. Yes, but they updated the list with the 2nd genaration HiMD devices so fast that I began to wonder what happen with the NetMD devices released lately ?
  4. I have a doubt: why hasn't minidisc.org updated the equipment browser with the new (or not so new) devices released on Japan? or is this browser just for western devices? There are a lot of nice minidisc players that minidisc.org hasnt listed ... peace http://www.ecat.sony.co.jp/audio/walkman/c...&ST=1&VC=1&PG=1 http://www.yodobashi.com/enjoy/more/produc...5/11634234.html
  5. I've had good experiences with: Etronics, PlanetMinidisc, ToysRUs and Amazon. Btw, if I would think of buying a 2nd generation HiMD it will a blue RH10 and I will order from Audiocubes, but now I will have to think it twice...
  6. indoor: NH900+Philips headphones+remote outdoor:NH900+Sony earphones+remote (depending of the shirt that I wear ) radio: NF610+remote+headphones (indoor) earphones (outdoor)
  7. I paid about US$244 including shipping on Etronics. The flat thing in the back is the panel of my cd receiver SONY CDXF7700 which has an aux-input to plug my NH900, it shows a variaty of nice preset movies (snowboarding, rally car and a electronic web), wallpapers and spectrum analyzers. The bad thing is that Sony released the new model with Atrac playback too late http://www.sony.jp/products/me/contents/ca.../cdx_f7700.html
  8. The DH10P makes to see my NH900 as a 10 years old MD recorder machine... btw what you need a MD/camera for?? and these new minidisc players can read MG Memories??
  9. Same here ... even more the cd seems kinda obsolete when you have a 1giga erasable/writable (1000+ times) minidisc.
  10. Mine came on blister
  11. It is good to know that people from the States can see for a couple of hours a non-american film (I thought the opposite situation was truth). The movie shows a bitter reality of some people... But the good thing is that the main actress was nominated for the Acadamy Awards.
  12. That's amazing, DID you see that movie?!!... Please tell, me why did you see it and did you like it?
  13. I tested the 38EL remote on the NF610 and the menu appears after I press the display button for 2 seconds. With my NH900 the remote does the same thing, first it shows the EDIT option then I press the jog lever (FF) and the MAINPMODE is shown. If you remote does not show the menu after you press the display for 2 sec then it must have some kind of malfunction where did you buy it?
  14. We are the lucky ones ... Thank God I know already what it feels to have a portable Hi-Fi audio device
  15. I have a two months old NH900 and a brand new RMMC40ELK, so I will wait a price drop for the next-gen HiMD device to start thinking to buy one of those, in which case would be the RH10 (for the time being). p.s. For me, Atrac is better than mp3 so there's not any rush
  16. Well, I was trying it with my NF610 a few minutes ago, this is what I got: -The remote gets illuminated only when a button is operated. -The info is scrolled in the middle line of the display. -The jog dial works only when it is pushed, switching from 1st track to the last one and viceversa (no menu, no navi). -The display button changes the info scrolled as the older remotes. But when the 'all remain' info is selected, the remote shows the disc name plus "Hi-MD Disc". -The display button pressed for 2 sec. shows the menu: EDIT, OPTION. The EDIT submenu are the usual options. The OPTION submenu are Beep, AVLS, Power Mode and some text in Japanese (I didnt want to try it ) -The P. Mode button allows 1 track, Bookmark and shuffle play. -The Sound button switches among preset 1, 2 and no preset. I dont know if the NetMD devices with a jog dial (or other devices with this feature) would enable the one on the MC40ELK and the rest of the HiMD functions...
  17. IT JUST ARRIVED!!! Now my NH900 is completed. I want to thank to PlanetMinidisc.com for such a great service, it takes only one week of waiting, little bit expensive but worthy. Now I have to rate the store with no problem: FIVE STARS!! http://espanol.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/carm...7&.dnm=e78f.jpg
  18. Very good movie... Banderas recorded a confession of the actress who played Mystique from Xmen, and of course Arnold's MZ-1 playing AC-DC. Perhaps this has nothing to do with movies but with tv. There is an italian soccer team (Juventus) that was sponsored by Sony for three seasons (or more) with the sign of Minidisc in the front of their shirts. Juve is very popular team all over the world so it was good publicity, every Sunday you watched them on tv with their Minidisc shirts
  19. Markus Schulz - Global DJ Broadcast (Live @ L5 San Diego part 1) 15-11-2004 Markus Schulz - Global DJ Broadcast (Live @ L5 San Diego part 2) 15-11-2004 [attachmentid=706]
  20. Simple answers for simple questions 1. Device size 2. Capacity 3. This tech makes me feel unique
  21. I know Español, English, sort of Português and a bunch of L'italiano words. I'd like to learn 日本語 (Japanese) and Deutsch
  22. My mistake. There are two modes: MD and HiMD. I thought that 132kbps at HiMD mode was Atrac3plus
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