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Everything posted by atrain

  1. keep trying with SS - it took me four attempts. if the hifi worked on the same disc then it's the software not your nh1 so that's good. that disc may be a coaster
  2. atrain

    Got HDTV?

    have a look here http://www.pcuser.com.au/pcuser/hs2.nsf/we...A256C030044612F i have on one my lowly radeon 9200se too - not that i've ever used it. i think my digital satalite box has one, but i'd have to move soo much furniture to find out
  3. i love you too man. anyway slooter you tried other discs? are they formated regular mds, other himds or regular mds? btw been to jbhifi lately? the city has heaps of discs at au$8 each minus whatever sale is on right now. also you tried recording old skool style from a hifi on the same disk? try that for us would ya
  4. slooter you'd want to use the planetMG one then http://www.planetmg.com/NewProd/sony-asia/...e2.3/index.html when you register use the serial on the inside door of the NH1 if it doesn't recognise the no. try adding a zero to the front
  5. vapor you in the uk? did you buy that n710 in the uk?
  6. i think you just did, did you get it from connect/connect europe/planetmg? sel.sony? apart from the connect store that is missing from one of those they all have the full version. what function are you looking for?
  7. use simple burner? delete the library copy from SS after transfer?
  8. but sparky likes the way the compression/recompression hides faults in the cassette recordings in a pleasing way.
  9. cdroms don't come ay 100x - it's past the disc tolerance. even at 52x some cdrs will snap inside a drive. it's happened to me before
  10. maybe try audacity GNU-freeware or for payware better than tr try soundforge
  11. now my hangover is gone, i'd like to wish all a belated new year greeting.
  12. somebody jus loves the attention. what's up with that? your girlfriend got mad 'cause you're ignoring her, now you got himd & she's gone away for a week? gotta make up rumours for the love?
  13. go with the nh800 if you can stretch to it. the larger capacity disks, much longer recording time, more & better codec options and the fact it's a newer generation with better tech beat out the batt life of the n520 in my book.
  14. the current australian sony magazine pulse still has a little section with the b100 init, so a couple of weeks ago i would have said no, get an nh900 & external mic. however we are being treated to an agonising wait with some hope of a big anouncement in the next month. what that actually means i'm not sure, but if the purchase is not totally needed now, hold off a little
  15. atrain

    Remember Dex

    damage you could quite happily record yourself yelling into an FX rack set to flange/loop. i could yell into one for hours myself
  16. it only converts into atrac3+ formats for himd. wont be much use for plain ol' netmd users btw
  17. lynette. if you get a cross over cable [$10ish] & run the networking wizard in XP you'll be sharing the fast internet in minutes. it's not that small a program, around 30mb & you're going to need to do this for windows update anyway. just make sure it's a cross over not a network cable
  18. you can record with the optical cable no problems at all, stereo, computer etc. sonicstage wont run under any mac os, aparently it will run under some versions of virtual PC. that's all i got
  19. because it turned off the toc wasn't saved. you'll have to do it again. low batt during playback wont hurt it at all
  20. you will have to rebuild. unless using a special uploading converter [see marcnet's or sony's own] transferring song from the MD to the computer is only transferring the rights to play the song [for songs with limits] back to the pc. this means the copy on the disc is deleted, not transferred.
  21. this is a job for the simple burner application. have a look at the thread http://forums.minidisc.org/viewtopic.php?t=5552
  22. hell, i wouldn't buy one, just pointing out that they have a large computer department that ships out laptops & desktops in multitudes. proving your points i guess sonictage is a major part of the included soft/bloatware
  23. http://www.planetmg.com/NewProd/sony-asia/...e2.3/index.html get it from here then grab the installer & modules downloaded from your temp files. that's seemed to work for other people if it asks for your serial, use the one inside the door with an '0' infront
  24. you can get the asia pacific version of ss2.3 sans connect music store, search for the planetMG on the web or on this site also if SS is installed on the pc then the drivers for all sony netMDs are installed via the multi purpose 'personal audio driver' included in sonicstage
  25. i can't confirm anything but the 480 is an update of the 440 model so it may work, perhaps you could take the disc to the store & try it there? anyway there is a linkie to the manual here http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_MDS-JE480.html
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