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HD5_____X________X_______X_________X_________SS (for cover) - MP3FM

VAIO____X________X_______X_________-_________SS (for covers) - MP3FM

NWA____X_________X_______-_________-_________CONNECT -> I'm looking, a guy send me files...

(Issues MP3 with covers inside)

Playlist for VAIO -> strange issue, perhaps SS do something special...

At yhis time a playlist made by GYM is not compatible with SS, i think when we'll find why, it will be ok for VAIO.

Sorry Vovo but a bit confused.

Are you saying with the above diagram that using playlist under Vaio is possible thru the covers. I thoughtthe cover were just album jackets (jpg) so how could I give it a title??

Like "Bongos's best palylist 4" or "Music I listen to when really sad about my sony and drm playlist"?

Edited by bongocanuck
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I have tried to modify the code to read the playlists so that it reads the 03GINF01.DAT file, to read groups as playlists.

And now, it reads the Groups as playlist! Anyway, there are still problems. The songs are correctly grouped, but the allocation of group names to the groups is not correctly done. I will go on with my research to solve this issue, and will let you know.

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Sorry Vovo but a bit confused.

Are you saying with the above diagram that using playlist under Vaio is possible thru the covers. I thoughtthe cover were just album jackets (jpg) so how could I give it a title??

Like "Bongos's best palylist 4" or "Music I listen to when really sad about my sony and drm playlist"?

No, it was just a resume of what's working actually, ex covers with vaio YES, playlists with vaio NO

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A question about the bookmark function.

I have a NW-HD3

I have tried te bookmark fuction of GYM. I can't see the file's i have put in the bookmarks of Gym in my HD3. Is this correct, or am i doing something wrong.

It is not a big problem. Until now i never have used the bookmarkfunction, so i am not missing it. And Gym is working perfectly.

Another question

Are you planing to make the function of MP3filemanager into GYM? or do you want to make a better "MP3filemanager" program?

I like the simplicity of MP3filemanager. but i am missing a function to get the folder into alfabetic order and i do not like that i have to wait before i can select and transfer more files into mp3filemanager/HD3.. ????

I hope that you understand my last question. My english writing is not very good.

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Hi there,

I just tried this brilliant piece of software. I'm on a NW-HD3, SonicStage 2.3 and everything works brilliantly! I haven't crashed and now I can save all those Mp3s that i've transfered into my NW-HD3 and deleted from my PC!

Donations coming up!



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Hey Vovo. I sent you that Vaio 03GINF22.DAT thru this sites pm service - did it help at all at unlocking the playlist problem in the VAIO - or at least possibly create playlist and have them show up as GROUPS since VAIO does not actually have playlists...only bookmarks (which did not work with GYM either).

If you did not get the 03GINF22.DAT file please pm me here with yoru email and Ican send it or any other vaio dat files to you.

kindly thanks,


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  • 2 weeks later...

This looks very promising. A few questions as i really dont have the time to go through 40+ pages of info to find what im looking for (assuming its even there).

1) When uploading MP3s to the Sony HD5, are ID3 tags used exactly like on the iPod? Will it handle and display all my artists, and albums as the iPod? Basically, i want to organize my mp3s by Artist, then Album. Heres a screenshot of how my mp3 library looks like:


2) How does transferring MP3s for the HD5 to playback exactly work without using sonicstage? Can I just take a folder with many subfolders of about 15gb of music, all in MP3 format, drag and drop and have all the MP3s on the sony sorted by ID3 tags just like on the ipod? Or does it require more steps?

3) Has there been any hack to give MP3 files full 5band EQ? I usually like to have my music setup to full treble and 75% bass, currently i have itunes like this: http://i1.tinypic.com/mt2ty9.jpg How does the HD5s stock bass/treble adjustment measure up to its 5band EQ? Am i losing out on much? does the 2band EQ work well?

4) AGAIN: Given the way iTunes looks and how ive got my mp3s organized (all of my music is tagged to my liking) will the HD5 handle and display my music like itunes and the iPod? This is my #1 priority.

Thanks a lot, if #1 turns out to be the way i hope it does, i think ill buy it. Ive been wanting it for some time now.

Edited by kamil
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umm... GYM can't be used to export tracks to your device, it can only import or playback songs and only those in mp3 format.

As long as your ID3 tags are correct, you should be able to browse your music on the player by Album, or by Artist, then Album. At least that's how it works with my A3000.

I think most of your questions are posted in the wrong thread... You should really take them to one of the other HD5 threads in the Equipment forum rather than the software discussion.

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I have been using GYM for a week now and I am finally allowed to be proud on my HD5. I just have one question.

If i want to upload music from another computer to my device, is the .net 1.1 software required on that computer before you are allowed to use GYM?

Congratulations with your software, great job. B)

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For example: I want to upload music from another computer to my device with MP3file manager. Does that computer need the .net 1.1 software before I can upload music from that computer to my device with MP3file manager, or is this impossible and is mp3Filemanager also locked to one computer?

I tried this morning to open GYM on a computer at school and it gave an error:( What went wrong?

It just said that the .exe file could not be opened. So I think GYM needs the .net 1.1 software before it is able to work, isn't it?

mp3file manager would not open either. There was no error it just didn't open.

Thanks in advance:)

Edited by snowy
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Hello snowy

You don`t need .Net Framework 1.1 to use Mp3 File Manager ver 2.

Mp3 file manager ver 2.0 can used to upload mp3 files from any computer .

Gym 1.12beta Needs

1.DirectX 9c

2..Net Framework 1.1

3.Mp3 file manger ver 2.0

Also i will suggest you to read the instruction given in the GYM installtion (In the forum)

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  • 2 weeks later...

this program is really excellent! i no longer have to rip all my albums again since sonicstage wants me to initialize my nw-hd5...


can i put the gym folder on the nwhd5's hard disc so i can load it on any pc i want, like the mp3fm folder, or is that not gonna work?

error (in gym 1.2beta):

i have one album i can't seem to extract. though it's an mp3 album. gym creates a folder for the files but doesn't put any files in it. i can't extract the single tracks neather. without any error message, by the way.

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this program is really excellent! i no longer have to rip all my albums again since sonicstage wants me to initialize my nw-hd5...


can i put the gym folder on the nwhd5's hard disc so i can load it on any pc i want, like the mp3fm folder, or is that not gonna work?

error (in gym 1.2beta):

i have one album i can't seem to extract. though it's an mp3 album. gym creates a folder for the files but doesn't put any files in it. i can't extract the single tracks neather. without any error message, by the way.

Yea, I had the same issue and was able to resolve

Answer: You should put the GYM folder and all its contents on your unit so you can copy to a different computer.

Solution to error: SEE ABOVE! :wave:

Helpful info I got from STUGE and its seemed to do the trick...thanks again :)

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I feel like such a tool asking this, but can somebody prep a step by step document (and please include it with the gym download) of how to use gym, including the fact that you need mp3fm and things like that, or, if there already is one, where is it?

I currently have an NW HD5 and I would like to be able to pull all the tracks off of it, reformat it and start fresh.

Thanks everybody

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is 1.2 beta still beta or is that what you guys use as your regular GYM now? if it isn't stable, what are the known issues? I am using 1.12 with a mix of mp3 and ATRAC.

It sure would be nice to figure out how to have the same functionality with ATRAC files. Has everyone stopped development of GYM, or is anyone still working on making 1.2 no longer beta, addingATRAC support etc.?

anyway, it is a great acheivement so far...

further to my last message, all my ATRACs are obviously from my own CDs, and none have copy protection added to them.

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is 1.2 beta still beta or is that what you guys use as your regular GYM now? if it isn't stable, what are the known issues? I am using 1.12 with a mix of mp3 and ATRAC.

It sure would be nice to figure out how to have the same functionality with ATRAC files. Has everyone stopped development of GYM, or is anyone still working on making 1.2 no longer beta, addingATRAC support etc.?

anyway, it is a great acheivement so far...

further to my last message, all my ATRACs are obviously from my own CDs, and none have copy protection added to them.

No bugs, in the beta version. I would believe most, if not all, are using this version. I am using and there is nothing wrong. Changes between beta and previous, you ask ??? don't know. If you really want to know, I am sure there is a version history off the GYM website.

GYM development by Xispe, has been complete. The project goal of GYM has been met and the creator has stopped further development. Tid-bits and small tweaks are of course always being suggested, but for the most part it is a done deal.

**PLEASE show your support and thanks to Xispe for the development of this great program he wrote on his own time, by sending a donation on his site http://clientes.netvisao.pt/~sonygym


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I have followed all the listed instructions but I still encounter a framework error. I have framework installed but the error persists.

Can anybody help?

What type of error?

Can you post a pic of it?

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GYM development by Xispe, has been complete. The project goal of GYM has been met and the creator has stopped further development. Tid-bits and small tweaks are of course always being suggested, but for the most part it is a done deal.

There is still a lot of development is required in this GYm .First it will be better if it can play Atrac files &Also it still doesn`t alow us to import music to our player .So we still need to use SonicStage & Mp3 file manger .I`m not saying that GYm is bad, it`s a great achievment by Xispe but it still need more development .

I don`t know why Xispe has stopped :unsure: this work but I think he is not getting enough funds from people to encourage him to go further .

But still GYM is great ..& Xispe is Great :wave::wave::wave:

I have followed all the listed instructions but I still encounter a framework error. I have framework installed but the error persists.

Can anybody help?

GYM need`s .netframwork1.1 .

Did you run the Keywizard ?????

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I'm still working on GYM, i made some modifications since the 1.2beta, but no major improvements.

I wanted to work on the playlists issues with SS and on the compatibility for covers and playlists with

others SONY players. But no time at this moment.

I don't want to work on ATRAC, (I don't like proprietary formats).

The MP3 upload seems to be more realisable.

But time, time time... is not on my side..

GYM is not dead B)

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Here is a copy of the details in the error I continually receive when trying to use GYM.

"See the end of this message for details on invoking

just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at GYM.MainForm.t_Update_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr idEvent, IntPtr dwTime)"

I am given the option to view the details, continue or quit.

Does this help at all?

I've tried this on two computers now and receive the same error. I can see all my tracks in the GYM window behind the error box but I cannot get at them.

Please Advise

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another question: is it very hard to develop a GYM version that doesn't require the NET framework? it's really a hassle if i have to install that on every computer i want to put some tracks on...

It could be worse, NETF 1.1 is pretty quick and easy.

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another question: is it very hard to develop a GYM version that doesn't require the NET framework? it's really a hassle if i have to install that on every computer i want to put some tracks on...

In all fairness the framework update has been available from microsoft for quite some time (they have release 2.0) and should be installed on any machine you're using, as well as all current windows updates.

It may be a hassal but its not exactly a bad thing. Kinda like a car that wont start unless you belt the seatbelt.

I dont mind the framework aspect, besides I would assume its being used because its required for GYM's core functionaliy.

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Just keep trying it.

I don't what your wrong, but something is amiss.

erase all files and start all over. I took me a few times before I got it to work. I have no clue what it was I did wrong but I got it to work. My best advise is just make like 15 keys with the wizard and tranfer 1 album. Do a trial and error and if it works, then load it with all your tracks.

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