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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Stuge

any possible for GYM to grab atrac song from our sony mp3 players back?

sinec now its works only on mp3 files?

Xispe is too busy these days :huh: So no futher development for now ..

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for the information, it doesn't work for me, and also for a friend. But my brother have just downloaded it for me :-)

goodbye Sonicstage :-D

You'll still need SS for editing

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanx a lot, with my NW-E005 your program network walkman broser is a helpful tool and it works fine! :D:clover:


I want to buy a NW-E003 and I wondered, how you got GYM working. Because here


it says that GYM requires MP3 File Manager to be installed in the device.

And I read somewhere that it is not possible to install MP3 File Manager on the e-series.

Please tell me what you did.

Thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hello-- (lol)

I have a NW-E005 and just got GYM working with it. You can use SonicStage instead of MP3 FM to load the necessary files onto the NW-E00... Just plug it in start KeyWizard.exe and follow instructions. It will let you select SonicStage instead of MP3 FM.

A few things to keep in mind however [anyone, correct me if I am wrong, only got mine yesterday :) ]

GYM can only open or download mp3s stored on the device even though the E series can play wma, aac and of course atrac as well.

If you want to avoid SonicStage for copying files onto the device try Vaio Music Transfer (drag and drop interface)


It transfers mp3 directly to device and converts wma to atrac and then transfers these. It won't accept aac however.

NB still need SonicStage installed to use Vaio Music Transfer

Edited by Sling
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  • 1 month later...

@ VOVO: can you repost the lastest version of GYM: 1.21 EN (for beta testers) because the link is dead

in addition, i've some problems when i want to play or save some tracks: when i want play those tracks, GYM crash and when i want save it, GYM create a floder but it's empty... nevertheless, GYM runs good for others tracks... do you know a solution?

thanks a lot!

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I need only the last .exe...

in my opinion, the probleme is caused by album covers which are too big: GYM work correctly before i add covers on mp3 tags... do you know if i can upload my mp3s without covers who are in mp3's tags: i want to have mp3 with covers on my computer and mp3 without covers on my NW-HD5... do you know a solution?

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Yes you're right

Covers are set in the mp3 header, GYM scan the header on a short length, if the sequence indicating

where the music start is not found -> Error. I try scaning 1mo but GYM become very slow.

There's no way with covers in mp3 tags and gym; it's why i added the covers in gym based on SonicStage db

and not on mp3 tags.

I'll send you the exe file...

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I haven't recieved the .exe on your MP...

aout mp3's tag problems, I have think at two solutions:

- can you tell to GYM to don't take care about covers? if you can, can you send me the .exe which don't take care about covers?

- do you know how can i do to send to my NWHD5 my songs with SScp but without covers?

thanks a lot!

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GYM don't read covers from the mp3, but need to find the begining of the music

by reading sequentially the mp3 file, music is after tags and contingently, covers...

So you can remove the covers from the mp3 with tag&rename by exemple.

The covers displayed by GYM are taken from the SS database.

After putting a new album in ss, you can insert the cover by drag and drop,

to the question "set covers on all tracks" or something like that, SAY NO.

Covers will be added only on SS database and not in all the mp3 files.

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as far as i'm concerned, I want to keep my covers in my mp3 tag on my computer but i don't want to send covers on my NWHD5 to keep running GYM...

I'm just finding how to do: I'm using MP3FM to do the transfert and covers are not on my NWHD5! I think that winamp plugin must do the same thing...

thanks for help vovo! (and sorry for english ^^)

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A new build : GYM 1.3 ! :D

GYM 1.3.zip

- .net 2.0 compatible , .net 1.0 and 1.1 may be uninstalled.

(with pictures in listview and dialogs for directory selecting ...)

- 1Mb reading on Mp3 header to bypass covers stored in MP3 files.

- few interface improvements

- crack.mp3 added on zip file

GYM forever :clover:

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When I run the KeyWizard it dies when it generates the keys. I guess I need the "crack.mp3" which is not in the zip.

I took one from an earlier build, but maybe best to have it in the new zip, if it's updated or if others don't have the old one.

Edit: Crashed when comparing the files, just disappears.

Would be great if you could add all files necessary to use the wizard.


Edited by Andreasvb
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi I got some problems with GYM. Ive downloaded 1.2Beta version and I have used the key wizard and gotten the decode and encode keys. I´ve got NET framework 1.1 installed.

When I try to open GYM I first get this message -

Microsoft .NET Framework.

An unhandeld exception has ocurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and try to attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will shut down immediately.


If I see details there some talk about JIT Debugging and config files. Do I have to change something in the Windows set-up?

If I click continue this message comes up:

Microsoft .NET Framework.

An unhandeld exception has ocurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and try to attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will shut down immediately.

Object reefrance not set to an instance of an object.

I can see all my mp3-files from my HD-5 in the GYM but the message won´t go away som I can use it....

What can I do to get this right?

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I tried that yesterday. I deleted all the old files concerning GYM. I installed .net 2.0 and installed GYM 1.3 and redid the whole keywizard process. But I´m still getting the .net window with wrongmessage with reference to E:\OMGAUDIO\20P07\1G0027P0.JPG

This should be a file that´s in my HD5 but I´ve looked thru all the files and there are no JPG`s, just OMA´s. Could it be that the JPG is conformed to a OMA on the HD5?

Thanks for trying to help me.

All my files on the HD5 is OMA. - are these not conformable to mp3?

Edited by elperro
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I tried that yesterday. I deleted all the old files concerning GYM. I installed .net 2.0 and installed GYM 1.3 and redid the whole keywizard process. But I´m still getting the .net window with wrongmessage with reference to E:\OMGAUDIO\20P07\1G0027P0.JPG

This should be a file that´s in my HD5 but I´ve looked thru all the files and there are no JPG`s, just OMA´s. Could it be that the JPG is conformed to a OMA on the HD5?

Thanks for trying to help me.

All my files on the HD5 is OMA. - are these not conformable to mp3?


I had the same problem as you. I found that if I deleted all the Atrac files from the player (i did this with Sonicstage) that the GYM software opened up with no errors.

But I don't seem to be able to save files. When I try to save some files the dialog box appears but it doesn't let me choose the location to save the files and if I press the save button nothing happens.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...


Hi there. I have an HD5 model and am needing answers to a few questions before I attemt to haxor it with these programs

1) are these programs really as simple to use as they claim to be ?

2) If once I have installed MP3FM on my HD5 can i simply and eaisly hook it up to a friends computer who has neither GYM, sonic stage or MP3fm installed and upload / dowload music freely and eaisly ?

3) will installing MP3fm on my device buggar it up at all and is it completely (AND EAISLY.. as in a simple uninstall button) reversable ?

I like the idea of these programs, and I really would like to remove teh restriction of the sony products but If i cant find out an answer to my questions Ill just be using sonic stage ( atleast I know it works and I dont have to risk fucking my device up testing it out to see if it will)


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