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I've seen this thread at another certain forum, and it was semi interesting just to see what people were spending their money on (not bagels, coffee etc), whether it be new audio gear, photography gear, engine parts etc.

Well i bought this lense a week or two ago on ebay, the buyer wanted a cheque so it took a bit longer, but sent it via specia delivery ^_^ although i wasnt home, and the oaf forgot to leave the card to tell me he had attempted to deliver it. Anyway, I got it this morning, worth every penny. It was 46 pounds plus 10 for delivery. I bid a bit late so in the end im just glad i got it. It really is in mint condition :lol::lol:


Try to keep it to things costing more than 40 dollars or 20 quid :lol:

Edited by GregTheRotter
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I wonder which 'other forum' that would be? :rolleyes:

Any way, I bought some pretty coloured rubber bands yesterday, so I could attach my remote control to the side of my NW-HD5. I have a blue silicone skin for it, and the blue band works great! Pretty exciting, eh? and only cost 99p for a big bag ;)

Edited by Poodle
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Hmm. Let's see.

Bought a whole bunch of supplies for making custom headphone cables as well as a few microphone caps a couple weeks back to make a set of binaurals.

Bought a whole bunch of engine parts to rebuild my rotary, along with all the balancing and machining of said parts, shooting for 9000 RPM redline.

Bought a motorized digital focuser for my telescope from JMI.

Bought another NH1 for a christmas present for my sister.



My wallet is in pain, but what the hell, you can't take the money with you when you're dead! :D

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Hey hey Greg,

I bought a coffee on my way to work this morning, haha! :P I'm lucky as I can't get the coffee-time-management-situation under control as I'm getting ready for work...so at 6:30 am I simply go through the drive-through coffee shop down the street and can drink most of it on the drive to work, lol.

Okay, in all seriousness, as much as consumerism is cool, I'm going to branch out and say that I did another beach clean-up this past weekend. And once I was done cleaning up the crap on the shore I immediately went out on a mission to purchase the movie: American Movie, one of my all-time favorites. I owned it before but somehow lost it in a loan to a friend?/or, simply lost it. Anyways, great film...



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Hey hey Greg,

I bought a coffee on my way to work this morning, haha! :P I'm lucky as I can't get the coffee-time-management-situation under control as I'm getting ready for work...so at 6:30 am I simply go through the drive-through coffee shop down the street and can drink most of it on the drive to work, lol.

Okay, in all seriousness, as much as consumerism is cool, I'm going to branch out and say that I did another beach clean-up this past weekend. And once I was done cleaning up the crap on the shore I immediately went out on a mission to purchase the movie: American Movie, one of my all-time favorites. I owned it before but somehow lost it in a loan to a friend?/or, simply lost it. Anyways, great film...



whats the film about??

I went out and bought a ticket to see 'The Constant Gardener' with ralph fynes (sp), (yes i watched it :o:lol:) and that was pretty good.

Edited by GregTheRotter
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Hey Greg,

Here's the official site, click on the synopsis at the bottom... American Movie

Oh, and I havn't seen The Constant Gardner...any good?

Recently though, I've not had much time to go to the theater to watch a movie but will probably see the new one out with Jennifer Aniston and Clive Owens. Have you seen her movie The Good Girl by chance? That one is excellent and totally worth a rent. I also really appreciate Clive Owen but have only seen him in Closer...another excellent movie.



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Hmm not really a just bought more like a couple weeks ago, but kind of inline with the "exam" mention above (but a lot more expensive)

$325 in Ontario Law school application fees ($175 + $75 per school) Application for 2006 entry.

plus ~$140 in LSAT registration fees.

School, even when trying to get in, definitely ain't cheap!

Anyway someone wish me luck!

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Wow, them's some expensive hoses! Are those just silicone replacements for the factory rad/heater hoses?

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^_^ Yeh OEM style replacements, they're pretty insane; the Temp specs are most impressive. Effectively the car (engine) could go 'complete meltdown' and these hoses would survive! Not to worry, Samco has the experience and R&D in F1.

All Samco Sport hoses are manufactured by hand using steel or aluminium mandrels. The mandrels represent the inside shape of the hose. It is because we have to manufacture the mandrels first (and they are expensive) that we cannot make one-off hoses economically.

[ oh, MDX -- Good Luck! ]

Edited by Jacques
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Nice, I could use a set of those hoses for my RX7. Hose clamps or something come in the box or are you reusing OEM hardware?

Which RX do you have? FB or FC3S?

:blink: Had to get all new clamps as well (worm drive). Samco does not recommend the 'perforated' ones. These below are really nice!

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Electro Zinc Coated Clamp with rolled edges.

Clamping Range: 1.25" (32mm) to 1.75" (44mm)

Very high quality, made in Sweden. Excellent clamping force.

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Wanted to stock up just a few blank MDs but ended up buying a pack of 80 pc. :lol: instead, used through ebay for just €40 incl. shipping. This is what i call a good price. With their theoretically possible one million re-write cycles they should still last for quite a while. ^_^

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Hey Greg,

Here's the official site, click on the synopsis at the bottom... American Movie

Oh, and I havn't seen The Constant Gardner...any good?

Recently though, I've not had much time to go to the theater to watch a movie but will probably see the new one out with Jennifer Aniston and Clive Owens. Have you seen her movie The Good Girl by chance? That one is excellent and totally worth a rent. I also really appreciate Clive Owen but have only seen him in Closer...another excellent movie.



Constant gardener was actually pretty good. Its a conspiracy sort of film. I was impressed with the actress who was also in the mummy, and plays ralph fynes wife. The mummy was a bad film i.m.o just because it was silly. So yeah, worth a watch. Speaking of conspiracry films, have you seen 'the manchurian candidate' with denzel washington? That was very good.

I picked up some CDs and a DVD.

"Bryter Layter" and "Pink Moon" by Nick Drake

And "Almost Famous"

I remember that film, Almost Famous, pretty good.

Getting paid on the 24th, so :lol: might be on the lookout for some new gear, although I really must try and save to start learning to drive.

Edited by GregTheRotter
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I couldn´t pass this adhesive tape without buying yesterday

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saying: "Die Schönheit und Tragik des Lebens umfassen" ->"clasping the beauty and tragedy of life"

Edited by Letztes Jahr im Sommer
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a 10 pack of blank dual layer dvd's.

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a 256 mb XD card

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I got my sister a 64mb card for her camera last year at xmas, too bad i cant give her this for a present :huh: haha. It's going to be used in her camera so why not? I will probably end up getting her something else anyway.

*edit* ah ha, well my sister gets a lot of her music by using certain err herm..sites, like me, but I thought she would like it all the same and got her this cd:

Star - the best of the cranberries 1992-2002

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and got me:

Norton Internet Securty 2006 (full version)

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I had bought the 'upgrade' version of norton internet security 2005 which only lets you install it on one computer, even if it is half the price that sucks. so now i just got the full version. am planning on formatting my comps hard disk at some point too, so didnt want to hassle with any other b.s.

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I bought a SWEET Napoleon Dynomite keychain. It's orange and plastic and has a fab photo of Napoleon on the face with six buttons that sound-off vaious lines from the movie...."liger...it's pretty much my favorite animal, it's like a lion and a tiger mixed...bred for it's skills in magic..." "I like your sleeves, they're real big..." etc...

It's classic!



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^ Haha, LUCKY! You're outfit is SWEET...I Bet you're able to go real fast in that outfit...I was wondering if you made those sleeves out of Proban or Nomex or some other kind of SWEET material...I bet you get a lot of applause when you're racing with those SWEET sleeves...gosh!!!! LUCKY!!!



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paid way too much for a display jet that had limited edition colors at a well known city hobby shop after not looking looking at display jets in a long time

and got ripped off big time last week by being sold a tiny burger when it was expected to be much bigger, what a rip off, every time on passing that shop, must scream rip off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!, even worse than that 2 tiered pricing of soft drinks (that small bottle is more expensive than the much bigger bottle around the corner)

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