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Can 1st generation Hi-MD units accept the 2GB blanks ?

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Hi! Does anybody know whether or not the 1st Generation Hi-MD units eg. MZ-NH900, MZ-NHF800 etc. are able to record on and/or play the 2GB blank MD's ? 2GB blanks are not available in Australia & I have a ton of 1GB blanks, but would eventually love to get a hold of several 2GB blanks for my MZ-NH900, MZ-NHF800 & MZ-NH600 Hi-MD units.

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What 2GB blanks? If you're talking about Andicillo's avatar - this is only a wet dream expressed in a manipulated photo.

My mistake ! I guess I must be dreaming !

Seriously though, I could have sworn that I have seen pics etc. of them whilst browing the net. Thanks for bringing me into the "know".

If only the power of belief held some real power !

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Hi, I'm new here. I'm also a new MD owner, bought it in November in Miami, but I have known the format for several years and have always prefered it over the iPoop. Anyway, seriously, would it be hard to make 2GB disks? If it would be hard, what would make it hard?

Others might not agree with me, but I doubt 2GB blanks are either possible (with current specs) or in the offing. To increase a disc's capacity by a factor of two would require a 50% smaller track pitch, or 50% smaller laser spots, or a higher wavelength laser, all of which would require a significant change in hardware. We all know that Sony wouldn't be stupid enough to drop yet another incarnation of MD when they haven't even done a good job with trying to get Hi-MD some publicity. Thus, any new blank would have to fall within reasonable range of current Hi-MD standards (unless they allowed a huge amount of technical "headroom" for future use, which would be rather unusual).

My technical theories: the track pitch of a current 1GB disc is around 1.1-1.2um, IIRC, which is similar to that of a 99-minute “oversized” CD-R blank. This means that the motor assembly that moves the read head probably isn't too dramatically different from CD or standard MD specs, which would make being able to read a disc with a very narrow .6um track pitch very unlikely. (Std-MD specs allowed for a 1.4-1.5um pitch, so 1.1 or 1.2um isn't as big of a jump as 1.1 to .55 or .6um). Thus, I doubt that Sony built in the ability for current players to track anything narrower than the current 1GB blank. Also, the error correction, data modulation, and pitch size/lengths on a Hi-MD disc are pretty state-of-the-art, so it is doubtful that they would change these parameters either (such would require totally new hardware anyway). Going from a red to a blue laser would require new hardware, so that’s out too.

In short, I don't think that 2GB discs are possible on current hardware. Of course, Sony might be hiding some tricks up their sleeves, but I'd say given the above, in addition to their apparent lack of enthusiasm for the format, I wouldn't hold my breath. After all, why wouldn’t they have released them by now if they were possible? The jump from 74 minute to 80-minute blanks was technically insignificant compared to what they’d have to do for a 2GB blank. I'd be just as happy if current 1GB blanks dropped by 50% in price as I would if they released a 2GB blank.

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Read the technical specs and info for Hi-MD. I wouldn't know myself, but I do recall a few users stating that it would be possible for Sony to produce 2GB Hi-MD discs within the current hardware specifications/limitations.

I did, which is how I came to the opinion that it is not possible. Such a disc would either be very out of spec or would require that Sony planned ahead and built the possibility into the players, which I see as quite unlikely from both an economic and technical standpoint.

We're all speculating, so who knows? I still contend that Sony would have already released a 2GB blank by now if they were planning to do so. Why would they do so little to promote Hi-MD and "hide" the fact that a 2GB blank exists? And then release it two years after launch? Come on. IMO, if they had planned on releasing them, it would have been right away or soon after the release of Hi-MD in 2004. Every MB counts when you are competing against MP3 players; 2GB would have had a much bigger "wow!" factor than the 1GB blanks, and would have only increased initial sales of Hi-MD units. Sony would be stupid not to release the biggest blank they could right away, and for now that seems like 1GB.

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Perhaps better put: Sony has good ideas, but often implements them in a "stupid" manner. Hi-MD is great, but OpenMG, SonicStage, and ATRAC all do their part to hold back an otherwise innovative product.

But, let's not forget. Sony are stupid.

Sony is stupid. Sorry. I somewhat agree with you. The company has some great products, but stupid marketing. Does anyone still remember when MDs first came out on the market? There were TV commercials for them. Have anyone seen any large-scale advertisements like that for Hi-MD? I haven't. There are four P's to marketing...Product, Promotion, Place, and Price. Customers need a certain product, they need to know about it, and it needs to be available where and when they want to use it for a reasonable price. Drop the ball on any one of these four concepts, and your product will fail. I'd say lack of promotion is what has made Sony fall behind Apple in the digital music player market.

That got a little off topic...but hey, aren't those 2GB blanks awesome? I'm going to go buy a bunch on eBay right now. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha, with the occasional exception of A3+ @352kbps, I already only use PCM with 1GB blanks :D

I use PCM exclusively, even for just listening to transfers from CD. I thought I was the only freak that did this. Transfer the same track ATRAC and PCM on the same unit back-to-back. Play them (particularly tracks with striking transients). It's easy to spot the difference, even on Sony's stock earphones.

I am never completely satisfied unless it's linear PCM.

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When I read the details of the technology that allows HiMD its seemed to suggested that 2GB is technically possible but a 2GB HiMD couldn't be made backward compatible with MD disks, whereas 1GB could. So they went with 1GB. I could be misunderstanding it though.

How are the 1GB discs backward compatible? I thought you couldn't use 1gb mds with normal Md units...

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I think tekdroid means that if they had cosen 2gb the HiMD players wouldn't have been able to read/play/use 60/74/80min discs at all...

1gb discs aren't (Net)MD-compatible at all, as we all know (just to make sure this post didn't stir up a whole load of: "but my NetMD can't take 'em"-threads)

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From my reading yes its technically possible. However the HiMD "unit" would not be able to use the other MD disks. Perhaps my understanding of the technology is flawed though. See for yourselves




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