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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. Because JB940 have a "PC-Link kit, the PCLK-MN10"... But about your "the circuitry to enable PCLink is there on the JE640. But I am pretty sure that I tried it, and it doesn't work. Odd, because it (640) does have Control-A1 functionality, which does most of the same things and is (also) connected to the I2C data/clk lines", I am
  2. A question about PC-Link I don't have PC link but as my JB980 (like your's) has a NetMD function, I can edit MDs AFTER recording with Sonic Stage (and you know I started recently to do that!). I use to copy and past tags in SS from a text editor, it is rather fast even if I dream to do it in one shot only (yes I know I can use Net-MD files transfer but I record my MDs in real time and mostly in SP mode). When I record several MDs one after the other, I would preffer to edit DURING the recording. It is possible directly with the PS/2 keyboard to do it during the recording but you have to write letters & numbers entirely by hand. Does PC-link allow you the edit the MD DURING a real time recording (copy-past of long chain text, not keyboard only) ?
  3. another stupid (not crazy) guy : he offer an unit that does not work at a price of ones which do. http://cgi.ebay.fr/beau-lecteur-Minidisc-md-SONY-MDS-JE700-/270823796592?pt=FR_LC_TV_Son_Home_Cinema_HiFi_Audio_Amplificateurs&hash=item3f0e5b2f70
  4. As your JA3ES deck has a 20 bit digital out, you can use it for that (if your PC has also a line in digital connector) but the record will be done in real time. More simple is to use a MZ-RH1 (http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_MZ-M200+RH1.html) to upload your music, but that mean you will have to find one.
  5. another crazy guy, japanese this time... http://cgi.ebay.fr/TEAC-MD-50S-Mini-Disc-Player-Deck-BNIB-JL-/330617649613?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4cfa58f9cd#ht_3273wt_1141
  6. http://cgi.ebay.fr/SONY-MZ-N710-NET-MD-RECORDABLE-MINI-DISC-/250898019385?pt=UK_CE_Cassette_RL&hash=item3a6aaff439#ht_500wt_1156 http://cgi.ebay.fr/SONY-MZ-N710-NET-MD-RECORDABLE-MINI-DISC-/250898019401?pt=UK_CE_Cassette_RL&hash=item3a6aaff449
  7. Jim, why don't you contact phamcu to know if he has some spare parts for you ? I will be in France at Christmas so I will be able to send it to you. If you make a deal, you could pay on my own Paypal account, then I pay him in VND. Note that he need to translate english with Google (he has vietnamese friends fluent in english too).
  8. Tell him you are from a mix between Emmett Brown and Mc Gyver.
  9. Don't you like mine with a fur on it ?
  10. I am waiting from a brown MZ-NH1 and MZ-EH1 myself...
  11. I would have not loose my time and maybe my money sending my JA555ES to Jim at first
  12. in the same crazy category http://cgi.ebay.fr/S...#ht_2071wt_1141
  13. When a very high-end audio brandname meet the minidisc format One has been sold 60£ on eBay. I find some more information http://www.diymobile...ca-preouts.html http://www.diymobile...lumination.html
  14. - one MZ-R35 and 14 MD blanks for 20 euros from France
  15. http://cgi.ebay.fr/M...b#ht_804wt_1141 Crazy ! <<Item is will need a new laser replacement and/or laser adjustment because it will not read the disc and so unit is sold as-is and appears to be in excellent cosmetic condition>> Maybe I will sell my own black JA555ES that price too next Christmas !
  16. I remind you that Pierre has still many decks in stock...
  17. I bought it from Hanoi without any look before (just ask a friend to pay and post it to me). The unit was already not in good aesthetic and working condition (false contact, lever) but it was the only one I have ever seen in Vietnam and I payed 150$ for it, at least 50$ too much. From the beginning I did not liked it (feelings I made a bad deal). Inside eveything worked quite well. I decided to stick that fur on it, not so bad in reality. Sadly I made more scratches when I take it off, I forgot Zippo light fluid was there to help. So now the one I bought from belgium, with its perfect aesthetic condition will allow me to have finally a MZ-RH1 in perfect condition. Pham Cu : I will ask you to repair the new one with my grey's spare parts.
  18. Wow ! Sony Insider Relooked !

  19. Sonic Stage do it (transfer PC to Md via NetMD), the RH1 keep the real SP quality during a real time recording. If you transfered your MDs to your PC, only those which have been recorded in real time in SP mode , have been transfered in a WAV "292kbps" qualtiy. Meaning it is OK with your MZ-R50 recordings... With Hi-MD it is another story, transfer MD to PC are in the same quality.
  20. Some pictures of that wall would be nice
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