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Setsudo (Mod)
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Everything posted by bobt

  1. bobt

    Onkyo HiMD decks

    to me it has northing to do with deep pockets, it's wants and priorities Bob
  2. Wouldn't touch itunes with a 1/2 mile pole, WMP is too restrictive, for MD SS is great, for everythng else winamp can't be beat, if you have an ipod mediamonkey works well, although I think winamp will work as well. Bob
  3. Thats the one I was thinking of, but I didn't want to offend, My brain hurts Bob
  4. that and walking to school 500 miles through snow and blizzards, had to paint the TV because you wanted colour,,,, Bob
  5. have to give it a try, if it uses less resources than Vista, it should be OK, but in 1 1/2 years, Vista hasn't been that bad, just uses to much for what it gives Thanks Bob
  6. Happy Birthday Rich, got the music yet? Hope your day and year go well for you Bob
  7. Damn, I got to find some money! wonder if any are cheap on e-bay, I have a friend that owes me! I'm Jealous Bob
  8. When I get some spare dineros I'll have to get one, if they had one that did puters too it would be a bonus, no monitor, just shine it on the wall!! Have fun Bob
  9. I just bought my wife a car, should get me enough BP's to get a few more goodies Bob
  10. Can it be installed as an update over Vista? Bob
  11. Listening to Lily Alln's new one "It's not me, It's you", very good album, I am really touched by her thoughtful tribute song to George Bush, nice song, TTFN Bob
  12. but anyway, to get back on track, I'm old fogey enough to like the feeling of being interactive with my music, got a pod, don't use it much, if it had a remote, might be better, MD is just nicer JMHO Bob
  13. I've never tried it, probably a long shot, more than likely won't work, but try at you own risk, put in your puter, hilight the drive, and use undelete, who knows? I doubt it, but stranger things have happened. Too bad you didn't read all the tales of woe from trying to edit and move, just doesn't seem to work. Good luck Bob
  14. Bloody awful, no one should have to look at a 56 YO skinny dudes knees! But that's another story, Welcome back TC Bob
  15. buy first, explain later Bob
  16. The $40.00 is money very well spent, and it gets you into minidisc, but your option after that if you want to get your recordings onto the computer is an RH1 or M200. As for finding an NH700, you can look in bargain bins, craiglist, yahoo, and amazon, and this forum Have fun Bob
  17. With the NH-700 you would be able to digitally upload what you record on it, with the 700, you would have to real time it into the puter, get both, Bob
  18. will you sell off ebay? not all of us paypal Bob
  19. Looks neet, price doesn't look too bad either, let us know how it actually performs Have fun Bob
  20. nice set ( always wanted to tell someone that!) Bob
  21. I don't know what the hassle is, basically you are getting the discs or shipping and a bit, cut Chris a bit of slack, we don't need to get into slinging here Bob
  22. Open the cover, there should be a small prong that goes into the write protect area, it may be stuck. Good luck Bob
  23. Just the regular one, no bells and whistles, may put my spare minidisc player in it, although wife isn't as big a fan as I am. Take care Bob
  24. bobt

    Sony MXD-D3

    I Think that is an SP model, are you trying LP or HI-MD in it? Bob
  25. I was playing with SB today on my Vista machine, set it to 98/ME emulaion and 256 colors, came up, recognized the disc I had in the RH1, but wouldn't pull in the CD, maybe soon! Glad your setup is working Bob
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