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Setsudo (Mod)
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Everything posted by bobt

  1. Still frustrating, because the plane that dropped it off on Cayman Brac probably came here first, oh well, I've waited this long, a couple of more days won't hurt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,much Bob
  2. It's here, sort of, was able to follow tracking from Canada Post, left the 19th, arrived in Grand Cayman the 22nd, cleared cstoms on the 22, got a call this morning from the post office in the island next door, saying the MD is in, but because of a holiday Mnday I won't get it till Tuesday. Amazing, 2 days to go a couple of thousand miles, 4 days to go 7, something wrong with this picture, will post on Tues on arrival TTFN Bob
  3. If you have an elecronics service senter of any kind in your area they should be able to do it for you in a few minutes. Also, if you can get to the contact, you might be able to move it tighter with a needle, or something. Good luck Bob
  4. If you have very small needlenose pliers you can tighten the jack connections, or best scenario, you can get a jack from Radio Shack or equivalent, and solder it in. Good luck bob
  5. We are bombarded every day of our life with many forms of radiation, from light and heat, to cosmic rays, gamma rays, radio and tv waves, people had cancer before there was radio and tv, at this stage I'll take my chance, for every study that makes a connection, there is one that breaks it. JMHO, and I don't necessarily want to make waves Bob
  6. Yeah, it's a 2007 album, quite nice, Bob
  7. Listening to "Progress and Perfection" by Yello, departure from Oh Yeah and the race, almost ambient, very enjoyable Bob
  8. So far it has been relativelively painless, Visa card is a little lighter, they had my credit card and address info from 4 years ago, was shipped on Monday, two progress reports from Canada post, and several e-mails from their agent, must be lucky I guess, will let you know when it arrives. Bob
  9. What i have sometimes done is burn a cd of the offending files, them use simpleburner or SS to transfer the cd to MD, HTH Bob
  10. No Problem, hope it works for you Bob
  11. First of all you have to be sure the safety tab hasn't been enabled on the minidisc. After that, you should be able to go into your menu with a disc in it, and be able to select erase a track, complete erase, or format I believe. Good luck Bob
  12. If you find an NH-600 confusing everything will be confusing. As hungerdunger say's, what version of SS are you running, versions 3.4 and up are faultless, easier than some other programs for music transfer that I have used. Give us some more information and we'll see what we can do Bob
  13. Could be a bargain on the 7 units, but $52.00 for a disc, although to a collector? good link, I'll follow the 7 units Bob
  14. Just ordered an RH1 from minidisc Canada, unit and a bunch of discs cheaper than the cheapest buy it now on ebay, hopefully here in a week or so, Bob
  15. You can use SS on the 900 to make discs in SP mode, I've done it many times to make discs for my car unit before I got Connect Bob
  16. bobt


    The MZ 1 is also finicky on discs, it's best on prerecorded, doggy on the rest, but I still love it. Bob
  17. I think it's a combination of your points, as well as people's inability to be objective when bidding. But then it's this lack of objectivity that has made ebay the success? that it is. Bob
  18. Agreed, as to Ledgers performance, isn't it an actor's job to act, again he did a good performance, but if he were still alive, would he still get the accolades on this performance. I still am weary of rewarding stupidity, and he paid the ultimate price for stupidity JMHO Bob
  19. http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2009/01/apple...rms-true-colors Good article on our friend Apple and their take on DRM Bob
  20. Nice playing and pictures, liked the way you put MD on at the end, good work Bob
  21. bobt

    Flikr MD

    varied, and nice assortment, thanks very much for sharing Bob
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