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Setsudo (Mod)
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Everything posted by bobt

  1. As was also sais, you could get an RH1 or M-200 and could upload digitally to your puter. A few options out there, hope you find one that fits. Bob
  2. I've had various MD's for years, have never had the occasion to use a lens cleaner, a Q-tip or small puff of air should be all you need Bob
  3. Hi Tory, You have two choices, record straight time from kine out/headphone of your MD into the soundcard of your puter, or get an RH1/M200, and it will do it digitally. If you are going to be doing a lot of this get at least an NH-700, will save you a lot of aggravation Good luck Bob
  4. I've seen the discs on ebay once in a while, never been able to get one though, keep on trying I guess TTFN Bob
  5. Actually, she might be surprised, a lot of neat interviews with older musicians, great setting, fabulous music, worth a try, put it on and surprise her, have the popcorn ready though, Bob
  6. bobt

    Ferrite Core

    they also work really well as a cord shortener. Bob
  7. I'd skip the parachute drop as well, but part of my list would be to see Tangerine Dream, Depeche Mode, and Van Morrison. Did you ever watch Buena Vista Social Club? Take Care, bob
  8. bobt

    Titling MXD-D400

    forever, for me it takes a lot less time then straight time, so that has to be a bonus, right,?? can't help on the titling though, sorry. Bob
  9. Generally an Oprah endorsemeny turns me off, rich doesn't mean smart, it just means lucky.As yo the readers, they may have merit, altough I have read on my Pal Pilot, still prefer the carbon-cellulose based retrieval system bob
  10. Happy Birthday A440, you do well for 3 years old, have a good one, Bob
  11. Hi Ray, DVD is what I had, there are no boring bits, you will enjoy. Bob
  12. neat site, thanks for sharing Bob
  13. Just finished " The Bucket List " with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, very good, recommend it. and " The Bank Job" with Jason Statham, neet bit of history
  14. your best bet there is record line in from the sound board
  15. bobt

    MP3 files

    you could also use the MD as storage, but you wouldn't be able to play them on unit Bob
  16. best result is know what you but and what you will use it for before you buy it, less to fix afterward, as was said earlier get an nh 700, 800, or 900, they will do everything you want to do properly. The 600 is a nice machine, but for what you will spend to make it mic accessible, you can get the real thing, Bob
  17. A little older than last page, 56 and loving it, my units are listed in the footer, Will never give up on them Bub
  18. Yes, it's called straight time in through your soundcard. What is your problem? If it is a recording done on your NH1, it is a very simple job to upload, if it isn't, then you need the RH1, no problem it isn't SS's fault, you knew the limitations when you got the machine, Bob
  19. bobt

    Mad about MD

    You said a lot, and sais it well. we all share in your quest, enjoy Nepal Bob
  20. bobt


    Just wondering if anyone has heard any more from Dex Otaku, if you're reading this, come on back Bob
  21. bobt

    The State of MD

    obviously the kids of very wise and smart parents, maybe we should extend them a welcome to the machine Bob
  22. bobt

    Taking a risk

    everything is on it's way out from the moment it's designed and shipped. If minidisc fits what you need to do get one, there are still RH1's around, still stuff on ebay, and you can probably find units in pawn shops etc. Yeah you can find something that plays music, but if you want good sound, recording capability and decent build quality, md is still the way to go. JMHO Bob
  23. and other stuff as well I may add Bob
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