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Setsudo (Mod)
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Everything posted by bobt

  1. bobt

    The State of MD

    Amen to that, I will keep trying through friends and whatever to keep my stock expanding. We know what;s best Bob
  2. Back in the day in stereo shops they always played the speakers they wanted to sell a little louder than the ones you wanted, perception is all, even if it's wrong Bob
  3. Unless I'm mistaken, the RH1 also charges from the USB on the puter, worth a try. HTH Bob
  4. Happy B'Day actorlife, do you still come see us?? Have a good one Bob
  5. Hi and welcome. I too have Vista, and have not been able to make SB work, O've triesd usung 98 or XP emulation, the works, I know it sucks, but what can we mere mortals do against the likes of sony and osossoft Bob
  6. Or you could download it straight time through the soundcard, and then with whatever audio program of your choice go to CD. Bob
  7. If I didn't have a couple already I would be interested, I'm amazed no one has called you, it's an incredible disc, hope someone gets it, it is good. Bob
  8. Happy Birthday Gnavicks, hope you still come on by, have a good one Bob
  9. True my friend, as well there have been a few music trades as well, got to love it. TTFN Bob
  10. I think that we are overlooking the best thing about minidisc, we all know the sound, the cool factor, the experience of actually doing something with your music, the involvement. I like the ability to trade music, more intimacy than random downloads, you get something that somebody has worked at. Can't do that with ipod or anything else, possibly with a card based system, but I digress. To me the best thing about minidisc is this little forum, we make friends all over the world, defend our toys, and even get to meet each other once in a while. You can't beat that with a stick,\MD 4ever, Bob
  11. Happy Birthday hungerdunger, best of the day Bob
  12. you lucky dog, have fun with your new toys, Bob
  13. Lucky dog, don't you just love days like that? Enjoy, Bob
  14. bobt

    A sad day in Music

    The said box set was released end of 2007, no way could it be construed that the powers at be had this set in hiding waiting for a "marketing moment", my intention on posting the link to the set was purely, this is how to make a box set, and a great way to have all of Pink Floyds albums, I would have made that link even if Richard Wright hadn't died, and was able to reap the benefits. Bob
  15. bobt

    A sad day in Music

    I actually saw it on an msnbc article after I exited hotmail, but you can try Richard Wright at en.wikipedia.org, I'm sure the Pink Floyd site has something as well. TTFN Bob Just went on the Pink Floyd site, short article from Richards family asking foe time alone right now, but saw an advert for a new true "box Set" of Pink Floyd CD's or digital download, 140 pounds for he cd's. 88 for the download, you'd definately need broadband for that one, 320 DRM free, here's a link: http://del.interoute.com/?id=3215bb77-762a...delivery=stream Have fun Bob
  16. For the rime and effort to fix a 505 you can get a far better MD unit on ebay, or in second habd stores etc. If you really want to try, there is a how to in this forum, babelfish can translate, Good luck, Bob
  17. Just read that Rick Wright of Pink Floyd died today from cancer, so much good music to remember, hopefully the remainder of the band will give him the tribute he deserves. think I'll listen to Wish you were here, Goodbye Rick Bob
  18. Try taking tha battery out for about a half hour, then put it back and see what happens, works on my NH1 Bob
  19. Just got and listened to Kunstderfuge by Laibach, mostly instrumental, reminded me a lot of Switched on Bach, very nice album, did a little research, and in fact if you translate the tile, that's exactly what it is, Lunst_art, so it's Laibach's interpretation of Bach's The Art of the Fugue. If you like art/symphonic rock at it's finest, try this, it is that good, Bob
  20. kind of puts my 2,000 LP's and 1,000 45's to shame, wish I had the money and space as well, even with my collection, there is much not out on CD, oh well, hope he finds someone Bob
  21. It's either Sonic Stage, or straight time, still have a couple of hundred 7" reels full of stuff transferred while I listened to it, old is best sometimes Bob
  22. it's a site called worth1000.com, as in a picture is worth 1,000 words, it's full of manipulations, etc, go there and have fun, you'll love Sony's Palm Guitar Take care, Bob
  23. uses the headphones and body as an antenna, common tech back then!! Bob
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