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The Forum Now Has 70,000 Registered Users!


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just goes to show just how many people are iinterested in this seemingly "old" format

and yet another reason for sony NOT to kill off minidisc

It seems to me that if SONY or some other manufacturer doesn't come out with at least some kind of digital out equipment and probably also car head unit, that at least the outlook for HiMD doesn't look good. An MDS-JE980's digital output is going to sound better than any analogue output from a HiMD.

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It seems to me that if SONY or some other manufacturer doesn't come out with at least some kind of digital out equipment and probably also car head unit, that at least the outlook for HiMD doesn't look good. An MDS-JE980's digital output is going to sound better than any analogue output from a HiMD.

:lol: haha, Thats if you can rip your wav files to an audio cd FIRST, otherwise, you can't record like this:

playing:original cd via optical out , recorded by mds-jb980

playing: optically recorded md from original cd

attemt to record: optical out of mds-jb980 sent to another optical in of another recorder, ...message: 'NO COPY' thanks SCMS (Serial copy management system).

But yeah, with the jb980, you cant tell the difference between an optical connection and analogue its that good, at least i cant, and im using $200 earphones.

Hopefully, those that have registered wont become 'one-time-posters'. :o

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Thanks gary, I can only hope that we can make it to 50k and beyond.. :)

This is indeed a major milestone and the rate of growth has been pretty phenomenal over the last year, a reflection not only of all the hard work put in by Chris and the moderating team, but of the interest generated by the contributions of the members themselves. I'm sure we can make it to 50K in 2006. B)

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indeed a great accomplishment and my sincere congratulations to the staff/mods and our administrator!

but... (there must always be a but :lol: )... how many of us have double or even triple identities as this distorts the members counting as well? :P I personally do not (k. can confirm this)

and how many are still active?

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This is indeed a major milestone and the rate of growth has been pretty phenomenal over the last year, a reflection not only of all the hard work put in by Chris and the moderating team, but of the interest generated by the contributions of the members themselves. I'm sure we can make it to 50K in 2006. B)

Here here!!

The one and only,

GREG (changed my user name from mgdimo to percussive. Does that count as a multiple ID?)

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it's more about people using the same i.p. for whatever reason. be they housemates, siblings, people who lose details & create a new account or if they for some reason have a multiple identity thing going on.

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Would love to see some stats on how members actually use the forums - ie what percentage of members are regular posters, paid-up members, members who join to post a few questions and then don't stick around, and members who join exclusivley to access the downloads section.

Edited by zerodB
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Would love to see some stats on how members actually use the forums - ie what percentage of members are regular posters, paid-up members, members who join to post a few questions and then don't stick around, and members who join exclusivley to access the downloads section.

It would take alot of effort to detect how exactly the forums are used in that sense. There are alot of registrants who have only posted once or never posted at all, but there are just as many who lurk and never post..if you look at the Member list you can play with the options and see some various trends.

i love this forum :D i always will be here. until something happens and i cant :( ah well, i plan on being here for a long time :)


Thank you, that is very kind of you to say and we welcome your participation. :drinks:

This place is great I plan to be here for a long time. :D

I had always thought about becoming a member then one day I said to myself this is it, and here I am.

Good to have you on deck! Members have better benefits than guests, anyways.. ^_^

Better change that to 30,000!!

Wow, what a mark! I've changed the topic title accordingly. :)

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