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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. oroville also make a copy for storage and he spare place on his PC after that
  2. Work with MZ-RH1 and my MZ-R35 ! MP-10000 Universal 10000mAh Li-Polymer External Battery Power Bank http://www.amazon.com/YCPower-MP-10000-Universal-Powerbank-rechargeable/dp/B008OIQAYK
  3. Maybe a picture will help... This one ?
  4. A good swab with some isopropylic or ethanol diluted alcool drops on it is good enough for me
  5. Just some isopropylic (or ethanol 90º diluted by at least 3) drops alcool on a swab and clean the lens gently
  6. I already sent two units to Jim Hoggart, including, but not the only problem, a NH900 with a no charging problem. I will remember this AA case solution next time.
  7. I think you are a little wrong. You can record a Flac 24bit-96kHz file in real time from your computer (if you have money preferably with M2Tech Hiface USB key + DA Magic/ VDAC/ DA Rega / DA Naim ).
  8. Sony MDS JA 50 Mini Disc Recorder Schreibkopf Head over Light NEU! http://www.ebay.fr/itm/Sony-MDS-JA-50-Mini-Disc-Recorder-Schreibkopf-Head-over-Light-NEU-/140802916250?pt=DE_TV_Video_Audio_MD_Player_Recorder&hash=item20c881ff9a#ht_1350wt_316 if it could be useful for someone
  9. or Replaygain if you use foobar2000, so I have fixed once for all my JB980's record to +0.0dB
  10. My son will start a 2 years professionnal training in sound next september. Minidisc will be use & test the much often I can with all the 16 & 32 numeric chanels he will handle (I hope).
  11. This one is a kind of little genius to sell it "as if" it is original music, a good way to sell MDs one by one at a price more expensive than a brand new MD blank one. But sure, it also could be considered like an illegal auction.
  12. PhilippeC

    Kiss Sony MD!

    tut, tuuuuuuut.....
  13. Use the minidisc.org equipment browser to check that... in searching "type R" or "type-R" in the Sony portable units page. And don't forget that type S include type R.
  14. 888 Blank Sony Minidiscs Minidisc Registrabili Vuoti http://www.ebay.fr/itm/888-Blank-Sony-Minidiscs-Minidisc-Registrabili-Vuoti-/251229896572?pt=Lettori_Minidisc&hash=item3a7e77ff7c#ht_500wt_1203 131€ today, yes... but at the end of the day ? Hey guys ! Don't let this one pass under your nose !
  15. As I say, please use the Post-track silence DSP plugin for foobar2000.
  16. Sean, are the bass that important for your ears ? I never personnaly feelt the need of any force high bass during my listening. Except Daft Punk / Homework...
  17. I consider that this is not a problem as such deck owners can also find a lot of cheap portable Net-MD units to do the job after their recording.
  18. If this is not a recording level (which is the simple answer of your problem) that could come from the level of tracks themselves. When I record from my PC with foobar2000 (or any players) - always lossless files or at least 320 / 256 kbps MP3 - I apply the plugin named ReplayGain on all my tracks. Recording level of my deck is fixed at +0,0dB once for all.
  19. You just forgot to tell us how much you paid. A picture shall be welcome too.
  20. this hand made one look great : http://www.ebay.fr/itm/Minidisc-carrying-case-/121066367472?pt=US_Laptop_Cases_Bags&hash=item1c301e29f0#ht_500wt_1203
  21. I do the same, prefer SP than LP or even Hi-MD. All depend on how much MD blanks you have and how long are your playlists !
  22. I give a solution for "gap afficionados" during recording in real time from a PC : use the plugin Wincue for Winamp or Post-track silence for foobar2000. That work great.
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