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Everything posted by theblueraja

  1. theblueraja

    md decks

    If it is cash I would prefer you to make an offer... otherwise I would love to trade for a MD player portable of some kind. I would do an even swap for a Panasonic SJ-MJ100 or MZ-N10... or I would pay $50 cash in addition for: MZ-NH900 MZ-E10 MZ-EH1 SJ-MJ97 (Panasonic) The player needs to be in NM condition with most accessories. thanks... PM me with any offers... I'm going to post this idea in Classifieds, or if a moderator wants to combine it for me, by all means. Thanks. Here are some photos I just took.
  2. I started a thread similar to this one at the Audio T-Board, but I'll paste what I said here. I actually cannot remember the first time I saw an MD. However, what is most significant is how I recall back when CD-burners just started to become affordable and popular, I had a friend in my neighborhood who also wrote music, and all his masters were on MD via an MZ-R37. I was using a Tascam 4-track recorder for my music (my band). At any rate, I wanted to 'rip' some of his songs to make a CD, so I borrowed the MZ-R37 to play back his songs into my PC in realtime (this was probably like 1996?). Anyway, I thought the little disc spinning in the window (how I wish all MD players had windows, by the way) was so COOL looking, and truly sounded incredible. I started thinking about what to buy for my master recording... the MD device, or a DAT machine. I was so torn because I thought the MD was SO COOL, however, my fear of compatability (demo-exchanging universality) took over, and I went for DAT, since it was more the "industry standard" for demos, etc... A few years later I felt so glad about my decision, since I really never saw MD again, anywhere. Wow... I have such a TERRIBLE memory, because now I'm trying to remember how I came BACK to MD!! It was fall of 2004 that I went for HiMD I suppose after just surfing around for the idea of MD or something, and the rest is history... Perhaps the iPod craze was going around and I started looking into portable music options greater than my Sony Discman? Darn it, I wish I could remember what drove me to discover hiMD... Anyway, earlier THIS year I LEFT MD for a Sony Vaio (well, iPod for 2 days, then shipped it right back)... I thought it was time for the DAP world and I loved ATRAC so I thought I would be set... 6 months later I started playing around with my NH900 and it was love all over again.
  3. theblueraja

    md decks

    Hi, I have a JE480 that is in superb condition. Don't know if that helps at all, but let me know if you are interested. PM me if you are.
  4. Apple has always been a few steps BEHIND Sony as far as capabilities, but lightyears ahead in marketing. I'm sure a recording feature will be integrated in the iPod very soon.
  5. Sorry buddy, but I'm getting it all (except the AA pack).
  6. If the battery extension is the external AA pack, I do not need it. Keep in mind that is the part that has the loose screw issue, but yeah, go for it.
  7. I forgot to mention I can't say enough about less is more as far as capacity goes. I'll admit at first it was fun when I got a 40gig Sony DAP to be able to jump around anywhere my mood seemed fit, but in reality it caused me to be more of a SAMPLER than true LISTENER, which is what my usual music habit is; albums or artists in their entirety. Again, it depends on the person, and due to my age I haven't been brought up on the mp3 melting pot of shuffle-playlists etc. But I love just grabbing a few MDs on the go and soaking in what I have... and even THEN I still have much more than I'll have time to listen to, of course. Plus if I want variety I can make two HiMD mix discs and that would be the equivalent of 35 full albums on CD (at the 132k bitrate I use) which is PLENTY.
  8. I don't have any facts to back up what I'm about to say, but here is my editorial comment. Keep in mind I've heard similar views on the expen$ive "Monster Cable" versus less costly cable that apparently is of the same quality, just not the fluffy hype. • 80 min 59 sec professional audio MiniDisc Yeah, ok, all 80min MDs do that • Block error rates 10 times lower than consumer media I've only experienced maybe 3 faulty MDs out of 300, and I don't even know if they were "block error" issues... so 10x lower says all of my discs would be perfect... nothing is perfect. • 1,000,000 read/write cycles When you've re-written one MD a million times, I'll BUY you another disc. • UV coating protects discs How important it is to protect those already-protected in a plastic outer shell MDs? • Lubricating agent gives optimum contact with recording head I didn't realize we were lacking lubricant all this time... it's a MIRACLE! • Durable shell and foil shutter assembly Possibly good argument, as there are many MDs out there with weak and flimsy shutters • Secure archival life in excess of 50 years Can be done with any MD... of course, good luck with sonic stage in the year 2057. Thanks for reading. Basically its like many high-brand expensive things... it is the IDEA you are paying for, and if you care to delude yourself into thinking you got some extra-special discs, then cheers and enjoy... I have some TDK PRO MDs and have that same warm, fuzzy feeling
  9. I managed to get a used MJ50, but without the speaker dock. Does anyone have one of these lying around they don't need? I can trade cool blanks for it or something... Thanks.
  10. I have the end-all final word response for your friend. Why MD? Because iPod is dumb. Ok, slight Spaceballs movie reference about good versus evil if anyone has seen the movie, but anyway, basically I struggled with the similar arguments and pressures from all the DAP users around me, and I even gave in for a bit (2 days) and bought an iPod and returned it right away. It is quite simple really. Use what works for you. IPods ARE great for certain people. No one here is RIGHT or WRONG. In fact many people even claim iPod sounds great with the right earbuds, etc,... I recently returned to MD after a six-month break using a Sony Vaio (sticking with ATRAC) basically because minidiscs are cool. I love them. The cool gadget factor, making artwork labels, and enjoying the sound quality is what brought me back, and I no longer worry about who will try to fight me with the latest and "greatest." Everyone around me has been raving about the iTouch and all of its video/net features, etc., etc... not ONE person has said ANYTHING about how it SOUNDS. Hilarious. I think the iPod of 2008 they'll actually FORGET to put a MUSIC PLAYING feature in the iPod. Anyway, enjoy minidisc. If you want to feel part of a crowd or group, hang with us here, or at the Audio T-Board. Otherwise, stand proud and enjoy.
  11. Wanted, new or used MZ-E10. PM me if you'd like cash, or a trade for blanks or units, etc. Thanks.
  12. I use Photoshop for all my graphic work, and then I use "press-it" labels that are still sold at MinidiscAccess. Here are two recent lables I made, then below I have links to the threads of MANY man labels created at another forum. First Thread Second Thread
  13. You may have something with the GHOSDT idea, but your 1,2,3 instructions are exactly WHAT I DID, and still my "non-DRM'd" library cannot be played even though I did the library backup-then-restore procedure.
  14. Heh, I knew this question would come up. Basically I format for a few reasons, the main two being when I get hit by a VIRUS (I have a very basic antivirus program because I still refuse to pay a yearly fee for that just out of principle), and after I've installed a lot of things that I then removed.. it kind of cleans out the system, if that makes any sense. I have two other drives, one internal that I use to STORE everything, and one external for even more storage.
  15. Hmmm... very interesting. I have a 500GB MyBook that I think has such a capability.
  16. Interesting... never heard of that. I may check that out. You know, the unfortunate thing is the very thing I'm trying to do (simply RETAIN my music library I PAID FOR) seems to be the very thing they wish to prevent due to piracy issues, etc... which may be why even the virtual PC idea may not work.
  17. Sorry, bud, you lost me when you said "Get a Mac." Not happening. But thanks for the idea and effort. If I had the money to do that I would just buy a laptop to be an exclusive Sonic Stage machine
  18. Please let me know if you think there is a way around this, but I just found out from Sony that even after the March kill-date of the CONNECT music service, there will STILL be a 5 PC limitation to your Sonic Stage library. Why is that an issue? Well, I'm the kind of person who re-formats his hard drive and reinstalls Windows at least every 6 months, and each time I do, I lose a count against the 5 PC-max rule. The way I've been getting around this issue thus far has been I make a call to Connect Service and they RESET my account by removing all of my "existing computers". That's nice, but I'm sure as of March 2008, I won't be able to call them anymore. In case you don't realize what is at stake here, let me explain: I barely EVER download music from CONNECT... I'm not worried about losing those downloads, which you can burn to CD anyway. What I'm worried about is how my entire library of 3,000 CDs suddenly becomes unusable as I lose the "licence" for all of that music suddenly!! What this means is I'll have to RE-IMPORT ALL of my CDs manually, REDO the artwork, etc., regardless if I did a Sonic Stage backup or not of my music. The tech person said you can't install Sonic Stage on an external drive and expect to run it... it has to be installed to the windows root directory. Hmmm... that just made me think. Could I possibly install WinXP to an external drive and then install sonic stage on it?? But then, whenever I want to use Sonic Stage I would have to exit my main computer and then start another Windows?? grrrr... this is so confusing. Anyway, I'm open to any ideas. Please don't tell me to rip my CDs to some lossless format to an external drive because not only would that be an insane amount of space, it would still lose all the info/data I manually change in Sonic Stage, plus the album art that I sometimes manually have to enter. I'm assuming the independent off-line version of Sonic Stage will still have the same issues... Thanks
  19. theblueraja


    Thanks for sharing these pics! (why do you keep calling me "TBJ"??? Isn't it "TBR" ??) Anyway, that is a nice shiny looking Vaio Pocket, but I had 4 of them just about a month ago... I just got rid of all of them but one, to help support my MD needs Seems like no HiMD in that shop
  20. Thanks, thank you all for the nice comments. I have a Canon Powershot S2, which has a macro. It's a decent digital camera, but not very intuitive. I actually bought it mainly to have VIDEO capability. I know that sounds backwards, but I didn't want to go the full, expensive DV route, plus I had to quickly replace a broken digital camera so I went for this model. Anyway, back on topic
  21. I'd say you can CASUALLY look... if you spot one, please still let me know. Black or silver even. Thanks. Oh, and a SILVER NH3D would be nice too
  22. At the very least it is a METAL single minidisc CASE case
  23. I got each one from separate friends from the T-board. One was a trade for my black NH900 plus some MD blanks, and the other was $250. Both in MINT condition!!
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