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Everything posted by PhilippeC

  1. jonathanpotato's spreadsheet Back in Vietnam ! punkrockaddict This is still OK to send you a lens
  2. Phamcu's free lenses do not fit the deck you got problem with. I checked when you posted your first topic about it.
  3. If it is cheap and close to your home, why not.
  4. Pham Cu can help you, johnatanpotato also.
  5. 14$, Gold color with an "Chunghop SRM-403E universal remote (learning)", 100V From early years of the MD format (ATRAC first generation) but good enough to listen to my SP type R recordings ! Very good condition http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/trio_kenwo_minidisc_recorder_dm_se7.html
  6. Is there any Axia professionnal MD blank ?
  7. Sony_Fan is dreaming. Xmas is far away.
  8. I go to France next sunday and will see 100 and more MD blanks + 2 Sharp (don't know witch model yet), all got for free
  9. febed01 tu peux envoyer ton RH1 a Jim Hoggarth en Angleterre. http://forums.sonyinsider.com/user/122646-jimhoggarth/
  10. Your JB930 has a good chance to interested some members here, but the quality of your pictures are so bad that they cannot show the "good condition" of your deck.
  11. For Sergio, these are OLD discs, for us NEW blank discs.
  12. Aaaaarrrgghhh, what about my brown NH1 question ?
  13. At least, deleting one track, this is something that you can do normally with your recorder without any PC. Edit Menu. But maybe you have a Net-MD Downloader (with a D in the name of the model), I don't have any, with no Edit Menu ?
  14. Is there or not a brown model or is it just a question of lights with minidisc.org ?
  15. Why did I sold my JA555ES...
  16. And if you get a RH1, you can even store your LP's music in lossless PCM format (sadly only but happily one 30' side on each standard MD like the goods old times).
  17. Not realy needed if you have already a RH1 Paul...
  18. PhilippeC

    BBC auction

  19. At least one meter, minijack to minjack cable.
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